Consolidated Financial Statements of the Local Public Enterprises in the RPAs system in Italy

Introduction The phenomenon of the corporatization of public services across Europe and in the rest of the world has been the subject of numerous studies, which have highlighted similarities and differences in governance between various countries.

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06 Febbraio, 2020

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evento cpt

Introduction The phenomenon of the corporatization of public services across Europe and in the rest of the world has been the subject of numerous studies, which have highlighted similarities and differences in governance between various countries. Some analyses have summarized the different reasons for outsourcing and the critical points of such a process, highlighting local governmental needs to use suitable management and monitoring tools to oversee the expansion of a new organizational model. The report proposes that the Italian experience be interpreted through the database built by the Regional Public Accounts System (RPAs system), which highlights trends in the number of Local Public Enterprises (LPEs henceforth) and in their expenditures, following regulatory provisions in the field.


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29 Maggio, 2020