User services

The Central Technical Unit provides some simplified access systems regarding information elaborated from the CPT system. Through graphic, dynamic, and easily interpretable visualizations, one can visualize the composition of cash in- and outflows at a subject, territorial and sector level (EasyCPT e CPT Data eXplorer), as well as consulting data regarding local affiliated enterprises by using CPT data (OpenPartecipate).

Easy CPT

The main objective of Easy CPT is to provide some simplified access keys to information processed by the CPT System. This view mode allows an immediate comprehension as regards: every single field of activity, how much money the regions, which are precisely the subjects responsible for the expenditure and the amount of the investments, have spent and for what.
Additionally, through the representation of the expenditure per capita, one can compare homogeneously the different territories


Furthermore, through the application OpenPartecipate, and thanks to its increased availability of Data, one can easily consult a series of Data developed by the CTP System, which in turn, through dynamic visualizations, offers information as regards local affiliated enterprises in the context of The Public Accounts (CPT) System. Also, information concerning the dimension, the investment, and the personnel/employees spending can be examined.

CPT Data eXplorer

The CPT Data eXplorer is an advanced interactive dynamic views for the consultation of Data and indicators of public cash flows, which stem from the Database of the Territorial Public Accounts. In addition, this tool can be used to build up thematic maps and dynamic graphs. Historical series available from 2000 to date.